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The benefit of PowerStrat BI solutions is that we sell many dashboard modules that have been tried and tested over the years with clients. These are intelligent and thoughtful tools designed for departments such as finance, product development, marketing, production, treasury services, HR talent management, education management and risk management. There is almost always a 70% solution for a new client. This means that we can offer ideas and tweak ready to go modules to clients in short lead time with lower cost and high degree of success. We are always looking to work with clients who have novel ideas to improve something in their world of work. We have done many co-developments with clients and with our field and business intelligence software experience we love to create innovative tools with meaningful application with clients. At PowerStrat BI we believe in focus, and each of our divisions is focused on specific areas of perspective, some function and some industry focused.
PowerStrat Strategic And Operational Solutions
Create sustainable strategies to take your company into the future with confidence, based on best of breed tools that work.
This business division offers expertise and software tools to help clients work through the issues and hard questions. We use tools to build solid plans to go forward, with buy-in that is so important. Starting with assumptions, our Assumption Grid is brilliant at surfacing and quantifying assumptions in all functional areas of BU's and provides the foundation for realistic business plans; Ansoff matrices and wheels, Directional Policy matrix, GE matrix, Hoffer matrix, a host of pipelines by BU's, product groups and products, key customers, regions, DuPont’s, scorecards, PowerStrat Financial Analytics is elegant suite of strategic analysis models that offers empirically based tools. These tools build and display portfolio views of business units or products.
Services include:
- PowerStrat Business Intelligence Dashboard Software
- Hands-on managed support from total outsourcing to total client managed
- Training
- Implementation
- Support
PowerStrat Liquidity Management Solutions
Cash in the bank... the ultimate truth of corporate success. Finally unique liquidity management tools really do empower business units and Corporate Treasury to get it right.
Cash in the bank is the ultimate truth of performance. PowerStrat Liquidity Management Solutions provides specialized software and support to clients who would like to get better control of cash-flow, and stop leakages from the cash flow system. The method incorporates all aspects relating to liquidity including operational and non-operational, working capital, Capex, Acquisitions and expansions, all financing including inter-company loans, net cash requirements forecasted to 20 years using comprehensive statistically driven predictive analytic methods. PowerStrat Liquidity software is a module that pulls data from your existing accounting systems and provides full independent treasury management capability without affecting your data existing data. The dashboard components provide cut and dice perspectives from different components of the cash flow cycle. This is a highly practical everyday use tool for business units and head office treasury function.
Services include:
- PowerStrat Liquidity Management Dashboard Software
- Hands-on managed support from total outsourcing to total client managed
- Training
- Implementation
- Support
PowerStrat Education Management Solutions
Supporting education management is the most important contribution we can make to the betterment of missions of lives. PowerStrat tools are superb to understand and manage education and training at all levels.
In 2014 together with Sunward Park High School and driven by the leadership of the Gauteng MEC, we tested a concept that effective education management would benefit from the strategic, operational and financial tools that assist our business clients. The results were positive beyond expectation. For example, just as new products and services move through the evaluation pipeline, learners (students) go through a similar process. Our wheel tool also gives SGB’s (School Governing Body) and the Principal’s the ability to visually cut and dice performance results by grade, class, subject, learner, educator, and also bring include merits/demerits, extra-mural, sport, feeder schools and psychometric test results. Finally, the PowerStrat financial management module for education interrogates and displays school financial school data is clear visual dashboards that can be easily understood.