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Strategic And Operational Solutions



Create sustainable strategies to take your company into the future with confidence, based on best of breed tools that work.

This business division offers expertise and software tools to help clients work through the issues and hard questions. We use tools to build solid plans to go forward, with buy-in that is so important. Starting with assumptions, our Assumption Grid is brilliant at surfacing and quantifying assumptions in all functional areas of BU's and provides the foundation for realistic business plans; Ansoff matrices and wheels, Directional Policy matrix, GE matrix, Hoffer matrix, a host of pipelines by BU's, product groups and products, key customers, regions, DuPont’s, scorecards.

PowerStrat Financial Analytics is elegant suite of strategic analysis models that offers empirically based tools. These tools build and display portfolio views of business units or products.

Services include:

  • PowerStrat Business Intelligence Dashboard Software
  • Hands-on managed support from total outsourcing to total client managed
  • Training
  • Implementation
  • Support